(DMCA) Digital Millennium Copyright Act

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that was enacted in 1998. It criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures (commonly known as Digital Rights Management or DRM) that control access to copyrighted works. It also criminalizes the act of circumventing an access control, whether or not there is actual infringement of copyright itself.

The DMCA also provides safe harbor provisions for online service providers that store infringing content, as long as they follow specific rules and procedures when receiving takedown notices. This has made it possible for online service providers to host a vast amount of user-generated content without being held liable for copyright infringement.

The act has been widely criticized by proponents of a free and open internet, who argue that it restricts fair use and stifles innovation. Critics also argue that the takedown provisions of the law can be abused by copyright holders to remove lawful speech from the internet.

Here are some links for information about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA):

Note: These links provide general information about the DMCA. If you have specific questions or need legal advice, you should consult with a licensed attorney.

(VOD) Video On Demand
media streaming
(SVOD) Subscription Video on Demand
media streaming
(WEBRTC) Web Real-Time Communication
media streaming
(AVOD) Advertising Video On Demand
media streaming
(TVOD) Transactional Video On Demand
media streaming
(PPV) Pay Per View
media streaming
(AAMP) Advanced Adaptive Media Player
media streaming
(DVR) Digital Video Recorder
media streaming
(PTS) Presentation timestamp
media streaming
(HLS) HTTP Live Streaming
media streaming
(DRM) Digital rights management
media streaming
(MT) MediaTailor
media streaming
(HDCP) High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
media streaming
(VMAP) Video Multiple Ad Playlist
media streaming
(MSE) Media Source Extension
media streaming
(EME) Encrypted Media Extension
media streaming
(VAST) Video Ad Serving Template
media streaming
(SSAI) Server-Side Ad Insertion
media streaming
(CSAI) Client Side Ad Insertion
media streaming
(OTT) Over The Top
media streaming
(UHD) Ultra high definition
media streaming
(HDR) High dynamic range
media streaming
(HDRR) High Dynamic Range Rendering
media streaming
(AAC) Advanced Audio Coding
media streaming
(AC-3) Audio Codec 3
media streaming
(CDN) Content Delivery Network
media streaming
(CC) Closed Captions
media streaming
(CRTP) Compressed Real Time Transport Protocol
media streaming
(DOF) Depth of Field
media streaming
(HD) High Definition
media streaming
(P-FRAMES) Predictive Frames
media streaming
(RTMP) Real Time Messaging Protocol
media streaming
(RTSP) Real Time Streaming Protocol
media streaming
(SRT) SubRip Subtitle File
media streaming
(WEBVTT) Web Video Text Tracks
media streaming
(OBS) Open Broadcaster Software
media streaming
(KPI) key performance indicator
media streaming
(DASH) Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
media streaming
(DAI) Dynamic ad insertion
media streaming
(VPAID) Video Player-Ad Interface Definition
media streaming
(MP3) MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
media streaming
(ISOBMFF) ISO Base Media File Format
media streaming
(MOOV) Movie Metadata Box
media streaming
(MOOF) Movie Fragment Box
media streaming
(MDAT) Media Data Box
media streaming
(OTA) Over-the-air programming
media streaming
(TPM) Technological Protection Measures
media streaming
(DMCA) Digital Millennium Copyright Act
media streaming
(ISO) International Organization for Standardization
media streaming
(HEVC) High Efficiency Video Coding
media streaming
(CMAF) Common Media Application Format
media streaming
(FAAC) Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
media streaming
(SDR) Standard Dynamic Range
media streaming
(SD) Standard Definition
media streaming
(ABR) Adaptive Bitrate
media streaming
(DCR) Digital Content Ratings
media streaming
(PVOD) Premium video on demand
media streaming
(NVOD) Near video on demand
media streaming
(UGC) User-Generated Content
media streaming
(ATV) Advanced TV
media streaming
(CAF) Cast Application Framework
media streaming
(GPU) Graphics processing unit
media streaming
(CPU) Central processing unit
media streaming
(CSI) Camera Serial Interface
media streaming
(MSS) Microsoft Smooth Streaming
media streaming
(TRAF) Track Fragment Box
media streaming
(STYP) Segment Type Box
media streaming
(TFDT) Track Fragment Decode Time
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(SMPTE) Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
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(VMAF) Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion
media streaming
(PSNR) Peak signal-to-noise ratio
media streaming
(TEE) Trusted execution environment
media streaming
(VBR) Variable bitrate
media streaming
(CDM) Content Decryption Module
media streaming
(IPTV) Internet Protocol Television
media streaming
(P2P) Peer-to-Peer
media streaming
(DMA) Designated Market Area
media streaming