(HTTP) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for transmitting data over the internet. It is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web and is used to transmit data between a client and a server. When you enter a website's URL into a web browser, an HTTP request is sent to the server hosting the website, which then sends back an HTTP response in the form of an HTML document. The HTML document is then displayed in the browser, allowing you to interact with the website.

HTTP is a client-server protocol, meaning that the client initiates a request and the server returns a response. The request and response are formatted using specific headers and status codes, which provide information about the request, the response, and the data being transmitted. HTTP is a stateless protocol, meaning that each request is independent and the server does not store any information about previous requests.

HTTP has evolved over the years and is now commonly used with other technologies such as SSL/TLS to provide secure encrypted communication and with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create dynamic, interactive web pages. The most recent version of HTTP is HTTP/2, which was standardized in 2015 and is designed to be faster and more efficient than previous versions.
